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Music Theory for Recorder

Music theory is the technical explanation of how composers create music. This branch of study includes such fundamentals as acoustics, intervals, chords, harmony, scales, counterpoint, and rhythm. A good understanding of these technical matters improves not only your skill as a musician, but also your enjoyment of the music. See the video below for a review of basic music theory terminology.

A review of the basic terms used when discussing music theory.

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This series does not 'start from scratch' and assumes that the recorderists are familiar with how pitches are designated on the treble and bass clefs, understand the basics of how rhythm is notated, and know the fingerings for the various pitches on their recorder(s) of choice. 


Each page represents a different area of study and these pages are not in any particular order. You do not need to complete the Acoustics page in order to start the Intervals page, for example. However, within each area of study the entries are in order of difficulty, so start at the top of each page and work your way down through the entries as they tend to build on each other. Don't forget to consult the NOTES - these offer more detailed explanations of each topic.


And finally, this series is meant to be only an introduction in the hopes that the users will get bitten by the 'music theory bug' and continue on their own, perhaps signing up for music theory classes online or at their local community colleges where they can study these topics more in depth.

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